Im using a coin for my one page game. Now Im not using it the standard a/b or the bit 1/0 way. I think I got my mechanism from school/work when I used a pair of 4 bit outputs to control 100 relays a la battleship.

So basically 2 flips work as a d3, 3 flips d6, 4 a d12, but Im only using the d3 and d6 for the easy mode of the game

…or you can get a d6 to play it.

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Now that's getting the most out of a coin!

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Im trying to use a cent as a marker for the date thermometer but the size makes it a bit tricky. It can work, but I think Im literally stretching it (the drawing)

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Great information

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Thank you!

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Did you ever see this?


It's about all the different way you can use a simple 2d6 roll. Seems right up your alley!

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Very cool!

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I’ve done a lot of thinking about probability using playing cards, and only recently started thinking about how cards can have a memory which changes odds over time. This is a great article which has given me some additional things to consider!

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Yeah, it's hard to beat the "memory" aspect of cards. It's not impossible with dice, but usually involves writing and/or other sheets of paper. Also, while you'd be surprised how many people don't own dice... almost everyone seems to have a 52-card deck in their home.

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My last four published games use a 52 card deck rather than dice - and so do my next three too!

It’s becoming a bit of a thing for me…

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This is something I love thinking about. I am super interested in trying to get as much information out of a single component as possible. Games like Blades in the Dark are really inefficient in how much data you get from a pool of dice, where Cybermetal 2012 gets so much more info from the single roll of a d100. Love to see this discussed, great article.

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I own the Blades in the Dark book, but have yet to get it to the table. Now I need to read through it again while thinking about how it uses components and information storage!

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So excited to see more people *discussing* this ─ it is one of the core aspects of my horror-noir EXUVIAE ─

× there's four piles to draw from, but interruptions are only ever shuffled into the biggest pile (so if you investigate the older stuff, you're literally less likely to be picked over)

× cards retire into a single board for the table, "the conspiracy", which fills by there being a linked value of an earlier suit (it's how the foundations are filled in osmosis solitaire)

× cards that can't join the conspiracy are taking into players' grips, of which they've three, but only the topmost card of each can be reused, so it's like the investigators are juggling the key information in their brains

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Thanks! Glad you liked it! Your game sounds interesting!

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hell, if you've got this itch bundle for the Trans Day of Remembrance, you already own it! https://itch.io/b/680/bundle-for-trans-day-of-remembrance

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Thank you very much! Again a very interesting and useful article. Regards from Uruguay

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I like the idea of dice drop, and things like it, but have no way to use something like this in a digital way, unless others have ideas.

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What do you mean by digital in this context?

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I can't drop dice onto a Google doc for example,

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