Two weeks ago we looked at how to make content Compatible with MÖRK BORG. It was focused on the original, dark fantasy version of the game.
This week we look at CY_BORG, the nano-infested cyberpunk version! You might remember it from the A Hundred Thousand Burned Hackers post.
Comment with any other tips or resources you think should be included!
Designed by Christian Sahlén with art by Johan Nohr, CY_BORG is a complete rules-light, rage-heavy tabletop roleplaying game based on and compatible with MÖRK BORG:
A nano-infested doomsday RPG about cybernetic misfits and punks raging against a relentless corporate hell.
Some of the mechanical features are identical to MÖRK BORG:
Four stats called Abilities: Agility, Presence, Strength, Toughness
Tests performed with d20 + Ability vs. a Difficulty Rating (DR)
Combat using DR tests; critical hits on natural 20
Some are rethemed:
Nano instead of scrolls and magic (Presence based)
Omens are replaced with Glitches
Adventures are called Heists
And some new or modified mechanisms:
New fifth Ability: Knowledge (science, use tech or app)
Classes including Burned Hackers and Shunned Nanomancers
Four Armor Tiers vs. three: -d2, -d4, -d6, -d8
Hacking via Apps (Knowledge based)
Autofire mode for ranged attacks (Agility vs. Presence)
Drone combat (Knowledge based)
Ammo management via d8 rolls
Optional rules: Cover, Aiming, Range, Suppressive Fire
Just like MÖRK BORG, death is quick and often. You might want an extra character handy if your first one gets stomped by a mech.
The book includes one introductory heist called Lucky Flight Takedown.
All the core rules necessary to play fit onto a one page Rules Reference, which can act almost like an SRD when designing content.
Third-Party License
The CY_BORG Third-Party License is almost exactly the same as the MÖRK BORG license. It has ten (10) rules covering Content, Branding, and Legal requirements. Read the whole thing.
It is important that you follow Sections 9 and 10 in particular. The following text must be included somewhere visible in your publication, and on the website or storefront where you promote the product:
[Product name] is an independent production by [Author or Publisher] and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG Third Party License. CY_BORG IS ©2022 STOCKHOLM KARTELL.
You are allowed and encouraged (but not required) to use the CY_BORG compatibility logo.
Art & Design
Johan Nohr describes both MÖRK BORG and CY_BORG as “these kind of small, very loud, angry books.” It’s filled with retro computer fonts, glitch effects, and the Inconsolata font.
Some resources to get started:
Unsplash: Massive collection of free to use stock art. Searching for cyberpunk will yield photos I’m sure you’ve seen before.
Affinity Photo Glitch Effects: Collection of textures, brushes and templates.
Glitch Effect Tutorial: Add glitch effects to text/photos using Affinity Photo.
Rubik Glitch: Use this font to get glitchy text without all the work.
Inconsolata: Monospace programmer font used in CY_BORG.
Hinokodo Fonts: Both Aloraglyphs and Cyberglyphs included.
Graphic Archives 1 & 2: Cyberpunk and computer terminal graphic assets.
TTRPG Art Asset Jam: Many of the 70 jam submissions are available for commercial use, some of which would fit with a cyberpunk theme.
Game Icons: Over 4,100 free icons to use in your games.
Don’t forget about public domain art! Even old art can be glitched to look like future cyberpunk. Check out the cover of Prophet of Eternity to see an example.
Included Tools
In some ways, the CY_BORG book includes even more tools and tables to generate your own content than the MÖRK BORG book:
Miserable Headlines (p. 28-35): Short blurbs of news that can act as story hooks. I used one of these as inspiration for Heads Frozen in Vaults Enduring.
NPC Styles (p. 54-55): Optional NPC tables for Styles (e.g. Glitchmode or NuGoth) and Features (e.g. artificial skin or elaborate hairstyle).
Wants and Obsessions (p. 56-57): Tables of what an NPC wants (e.g. anarchy), quirks (e.g. loudly chews gum), and current obsession (e.g. obsolete tech).
Mission Generator (p. 118-127): Quickly roll up a heist with a Contact, Patron, Reward, Job, Target, Location, Geography, Security, and Complication.
There are also Corporation and Cult generator tables, as well as City and Net Event tables. The Mission Generator in particular is really helpful!
Helpful Generators
Click until you find something that inspires you:
Punk Generator: You will need a new player character when yours inevitably dies. This is a one-click way to get one.
NPC Generator: Gives you a name (e.g. Sonyx, Factory Drone) and handle (@nagl_sonyx_12168) and stats. Brief details, but enough to generate some ideas.
Mission Generator: Like the tables in the book, but automated.
MISSION.GENERATOR: Fan made mission generator using a similar format.
Dwellings: Floor plan generator with options for customization.
CY_BORG Mission Generator: A Perchance generator for missions.
Finding Inspiration
If you want to browse for inspiration, start here:
Ex Libris CY_BORG: A meticulously curated collection of MÖRK BORG third-party content divided into categories and tagged for topic (e.g. Trigger Happy Jam) and creator (e.g. Exeunt Press).
CY_BORG on While not nearly as many items as MÖRK BORG, there are heists and supplements to check out.
Trigger Happy Jam: Hosted by The Rolled Standard, this game jam had 20 entries that are worth looking at.
URBN_LGND.exe Jam: Hosted by Rugose Kohn, chrull, and Johan Nohr, this jam had 44 entries and is a wealth of inspiration.
Glumdark Cyber: Random tables for a dystopian future including punkz and warez.
Tenement Living Blues: A one-page tenement crawl generator for CY_BORG.
CY_BORG Random Location Gallery: Collection of labs, shops, and apartments.
CY_BORG Art Gallery: Browse CY_BORG styled pieces for inspiration.
Here’s where to find other creators and players:
Discord: Has a CY_BORG channel category, including one for third-party content. There’s even a #MÖRKTOBER channel!
Reddit: While r/CY_BORG is a much smaller community than r/MorkBorg, it has some good posts and discussion.
MÖRKTOBER began as a personal challenge, trying to make something for MÖRK BORG every day of October. Inspired by similar prompt activities (e.g. Swordtember), I wanted something that could get me in the habit of being creative.
It turned out that many people wanted to do the same! So each day in October, make something for MÖRK BORG (or CY_BORG) inspired by the prompt list and share it: an item, nano, app, class, heist location, or anything else. Tag it #MÖRKTOBER.
This year’s prompts were released as a preview, but there’s no rush. MÖRKTOBER starts October 1 and runs through October 31.
Some things to think about:
CY_BORG is easy if you’ve played MÖRK BORG: Most of the rules are the same, or use familiar mechanisms to modify and extend the rules. I think CY_BORG has a bit more complexity, but that can be a good thing.
The MÖRK BORG Third-Party License allows for innovation: Some really interesting conversions are being made including CY_BORG and Pirate Borg.
Get involved in game jams: Both the Trigger Happy Jam and URBN_LGND.exe Jam are good examples. Jams offer an easy and structured entry into making things for your favorite systems. I highly recommend entering one. See also: Ten Years of Game Jams.
Check out the Exeunt Press CY_BORG heists: A Hundred Thousand Burned Hackers, Prophet of Eternity in Apartment Thirteen Hundred, and Heads Frozen in Vaults Enduring.
Any tips for people who are new to CY_BORG? What are your favorite resources to share? How do you make your cyberpunk art?
See you next week!
— E.P. 💀
Skeleton Code Machine is a production of Exeunt Press. If you want to see what else is happening at Exeunt Press, check out the Exeunt Omnes newsletter.
Thanks to M. Allen Hall for pointing out that I missed Knowledge as the new fifth stat added to CY_BORG. It's handled the same as the other (i.e. Agility, Presence, Strength, Toughness) but is used for science, tech and using Apps. I've updated the post to include it!
Great read! At Exeunt's request wanted to share a cyberpunk terminal asset pack I just released. Perfect timing.